Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Secure Sockets Layer

a protocol made by netscape to transmite files over the internet safely


is where the internet feeds into the computer


is when it shows the files that are held under a certain domain name


is when some legally shows prof that they have the right to own a certain object or a idea of a name or anything that the person could legally prove he has the right to own it

boolean Logic

is a system for logic operations to go through


is a website that follows a certain format that you can insert data into


is a host of websites that are information the host could either have a open forum or a private forum


is a app that has access to the world wide web


is a site made up of files that are downloaded onto the world wide web

Web Cache

is a program used to limite the traffic goin in and out of a website

Web 2.0

is a upgraded form of the regular internet , it is updated from 2.0

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

is the adress of a website so the file could be located on the internet

Social Networking Site

is a site where people socialize, facebook, myspace, sconex

Really Simple Syndication(RSS)

is a a way to publish works


is where you enter in the internet at


is a audio file that gives you information about a topic usually found on the internet


a program that makes finding webpages easier

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

is the provider that gives you internet service explorer, safari

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

is the address that every computer is given that can be tracked througfh it

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

is the protocol that retrieves webpages in from internet servers

Hypertext Markup Language (MTML)

is the language that computer coding is done in usually websites

Home Page

is the page that the intrenet browser goes to when it is opened


Also called a page hit. The retrieval of any item, like a page or a graphic, from a Web server

Geographic Imaging

is when a satelite used thermo imaging to take a picture of the earth and the shape of the ground from space

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

is a program used to transfer files over the i



is the website name that is hosting the website on their server

Digital Certificate

a protocol that is attached to a message usually to make sure the reader is the person it was intened for


a cookie is like a note that goes onto the computer that collects and list all of the sites you go on and then trasmites the data to a source


is the machine on the end of a server that is using the server to operate inside a network


a set of technologies developed by microsoft for sharing data through different programs

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wireless LAN (WLAN)

a wireless connection to internet without using a wire

Wireless Internet Service Provider(WISP)

a internet provider that provides internet connection through a wireless signal


The name commonly given to the IEEE 802.16 standard

Wide area Network (WAN)

a internet connect that spands over a large geographical area

T-1 Line

a phyone connection that supports up to 1.544Mbits per second of data

Server Operating System

is a operating system used to run a computer that is directly conected to a server


is a hub of networks that connects at one point, it usually services a host of computers

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

is a syatem of telephones that operate on a public switch board

Proxy Server

is a server that lets you access another website by going through a host website first.

Peer-Peer Network

is a network that lets you share data through networks but only lets you share info if you are inside the network


is a station that processes information it could be another computer or a printer


is a electronic device that allows you to transmite data over networks

Local Area Conector (LAN)

is when you are connected to the internet through a wire conection


it is a network that works just like the Internet does but it fends off outside unwanted access


is a web of networks that connect together to form a system where u can remotely access information


are places where major net works all connect to one origin point


usually is someone who is trying to get access to your computer system with out the permision of the user, in most cases to disrupt your computing system


is when a user has put up a security fence to block out unwanted programs from accessing a computer


is a computer that network that allows people to control the networking from outside the network

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

is when the internet connects to the internet network through the phone line, it transmites data through the phone with out disruting phone lines