Saturday, October 30, 2010


are buttons that holds control over a certain function in the computer

Contextual tabs

Contextual tabs appear when an object is selected. These contextual tabs contain information pertinent to that object only

Context sensitive

a program feature that changes depending on what you are working on in the program

Conditional formatting

setting a format on a cell that is based on a condition, normally a value in a cell

Compatibility mode

A feature on a computer or operating system that enables it to run programs written for another operating system system.

Comparison operators

an infixed operator used in algebraic expressions to conmpare 2 values


In HTML a comment is information designers can insert into the HTML coding for reference, this is not shown to the reader in the web browser.

Column chart

are used to show comparisons between items of data. Each column in the chart represents the value of one item of data.

Clustered column chart

a column which is made, or appears to be made, of several columns collected together

Close button

the button on the top of a window usually a x that closes a window


The clipboard is a section of RAM where your computer stores copied data

Clip art

illustrations that can be inserted into a document, usually they are supplied by key words in the panel on the left in microsoft word


is the index in which you cite you resources

Circular reference

in computer programming, when one piece of code requires the result from another piece of code, but that code needs the result from the first


the middle of the page in text programs

Cell address

A combination of a letter and a number that specifies the location of a cell using column and row on a spreadsheet


relative to spreed sheet, the intersection of a row and column

Cash flow analysis

is the study of the cycle of your business' cash intake and outflows, with the purpose of maintaining an adequate cash flow for your business

Bulleted list

is a list that are highlighted by bullet points that are usually found on the left of the text

Bullet point

are small dots, squares, dashes or graphics that begin a short descriptive phrase.


is a typographic symbol used to divert the readers attention to lines of text such as in a list.


The handoff point of any IP-enabled infrastructure. This is where a session passes from one network to another and can be defined as the edge of a carrier's network , the point between an enterprise and its carrier.

In text

the point where a section ends


selection of articles related to computer program - bibliography

Bar chart

a type of graph in which different values are represented by bars.

Backwardly compatible

measures if a computer could run files from more up to date programes on older versions of that same program


is a option that lets you recover data up to a certain amount you choice but after that amount is reached it deleates the oldest stored data


is a computer program that helps you fill in information when you are doing long entries


when you make a celllonger or bigger so you can fit a long entry into it


is when your computer saves your searches or even text entries and when it predicts a similiar entry it gives you the option to fill it in


reffers to when you attach a file onto an email, this way of sending files ussually have a maximum data point


In programming, a value that is passed between programs or subroutines or functions. they are independent items, or variables, that holds data or codes

Application software

is the software that you install on a computer allow you to run the application itself


graphic pictures that move using fram by frame motion


related to windows, to fix a graphical object so that its position relative to some other object remains the same during repagination, usually used to appear next to text.

American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States.


the arrangement of text or graphics relative to a margin, their position relative to a margin

ActiveX controls

A software module based on Microsoft's Component Object Model architecture. It enables a program to add functionality by activating ready-made components that blend in and appear as normal parts of the program. They are typically used to add user interface functions

On the Internet
ActiveX controls can be linked to a Web page and downloaded by a compliant Web browser. theses controls turn Web pages into software as if the program were activated from a server. Like any executable program running in the computer, ActiveX controls can perform any operation on your data.

Active cell

The intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet that is currently being worked in.

absolute cell reference

a reference to a particular cell or group of cells that does not change, even if the size of it changes or the spreadsheet

(3D) pie chart

A perspective (3D) pie chart is used to give the chart a 3D look. the third dimension does not improve the reading of the data

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

how to munipulate word art

you can munipulate word art into different forms you can cortort it into different shapes. you can either have it funn and abnormal or straight lined . Even though you can munipulate the word art you can not change the original image only munipulate the word into different forms and shapes. you can import it into other programs. you can change the color.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lab 2 common skills

1) When you press the alt and the tab key you switch from program to program through the programs that are currently open.

2)Press ctrl a to select ctrl c to copy, and ctrl v to paste. to change font style select the home tab then go int the font group the first box within that group press it that would give you the options for font style. next to that box will give you the font size. the next group over the first box on the upper left hand side will turn the words into bullet point format next to that will change the words to a number bullet point format. in that same box the icon with the 2 arrows going in opposite way will let you space lines aka the line spacing button.

3) in word and power point the buttons are versatile because they transfer between programs you can create colums in different programs even they use different icons. both programs are easily compatiblke and you can transfer files bettween the 2.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Word-processing software

is software that lets you write word documents


acts as a guide for creating a new document in a software program

Windows Explorer

is a tool that allows you to browse, view, copy, delete files


a rectangular area on the screen that displays its own file separately from the desktop

Wildcard characters

a special character that represents another character

Wide area networks (WANs)

a computer network that spans a relatively large area


program or piece of code that is downloaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs without your wishes

utility software

software that performs some task that is secondary to the main purpose of using the computer

User interface

is the system that the computer runs, its like the mediator between the computer and the controller