Sunday, November 28, 2010


that lets you add diagrams to your PowerPoint slides, with smart at it lets you create list diagrams etc

small caps

is when you type with no capital letters


the time it takes for a signal to switch from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0

Slides/Outline pane

is the designated area that lets you see the visual of all the slides created in that power point

Slide Show view

is the part of power point that lets you view how the slide show will look

Slide pane

is the designated area that lets you see the slides

Slide masters

is the slide that determines the format and background that all slides will have

Slide Master view

is the view that lets you see the masterslide

Sizing handle

is the handles on a picture that lets you resize the picture so that all porportions are equal


is a tye of paragraph format that lets you put one space between lines

Simple Payback Period

is a financial metric, like NPV, ROI, and IRR


i could not find what sigma stands for

Shortcut menu

is the menu that shows all of the shortcuts that have been made on the computer

Serif fonts

are semi-structural details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols


is when you click the mouse then scroll over data then the higlighted part is the selection

Select query

it helps you retrieve and display specific database records


is a designated area on the screen that holds certain data

Scroll bars

are the bars that let you scroll up and down and side to side


is tips that pop up as you scroll over a icon they show you the name of the icon and what it does

Sans serif fonts

is fonts that does not have the small features called "serifs" at the end of strokes

Rotation handle

is the handles that pop up when you click a picture that lets u rotate the picture


is when you aligned text a graphic object to the right margin

rich text format (RTF)

A standard developed by Microsoft Corporation for formatting text files in such a way that the formatting survives transfer not only between applications on a computer, but also between computers on a network


in microsoft 07 it replaced the tool bar, the ribbon is the bar that holds all of the common tools

Reviewing pane

the pane where you can view the complete text of a tracked change or comment in a markup balloon To see these items, and to see items such as inserted or deleted graphics or text boxes

Restrict Permissions

is when the computer restricts you from doing certain things because ur profile does not have those rights


are information that the computer sends to the user when something is interfering or when something isnt working right


to substitute something in for another thing


is a function wehen you press down a key then it repeats the letter

Relative Cell Reference

a relative cell reference identifies the location of a cell or group of cells


a connection between two computers or between to electronic devices

Relational database

A database that maintains a set of separate, related files (tables), but combines data elements from the files for queries and reports when required

Referential integrity

A database management safeguard that ensures every foreign key matches a primary key


To reverse an undo operation


is a set of data that is bind together to make a file


a complete set of information. Records are composed of fields, each of which contains one item of information. A set of records constitutes a file


In data entry validation, a group of values from a minimum to a maximum. With spreadsheets, a series of cells that are worked on as a group. It may refer to a row, column or rectangular block defined by one corner and its diagonally opposite corner. A geographic distance. A group of frequencies.

R-squared value

is the value of a statistical term saying how good one term is at predicting another

Quick Style gallery

a gallery where it holds old formats that the computer tags as most used

Quick Access toolbar

is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab that is currently displayed


is a request for information from a database


is the settings of a certain peice of data


a set of instructions that the computer executes

Print queue

Disk space that holds output designated for the printer until the printer can receive it

Print driver

A software routine that converts an application program's printing request into the language the printer understands.

Primary key field

The field in a database table that is indexed and maintains the main sequence of the table. For example, account numbers are typically primary keys

Saturday, November 20, 2010