Monday, January 24, 2011

Final project

This semster in computer fundamentals i learned the basics of computer functioning. I have learned basically how to utilize the computer in the most simple ways. We didi not really get into the tenichal aspects of the computer. We learned how to make a email, the right way to write a email as far as adreessing the person and the salutation of the email.We also learned the definition of a computer and we also learned multiple computer science words and the definition of the words.

These skills will help me in my long term goals because it will help me in my carreer becuse in a few years everything will be run electronically. Also because this willl put me over the competition because i will have a intensive knowledge of computers and i will be able to stand out in a crowd full of people. Technology will help me advance in life and all of my job pursuit because I wantto run a production company and it involves alot of thecnical computers so the knowlegde i willl gain of computer will help me run my company more profficient. Also it wll help me because to write up business documents people use computers so it will help me write official documents better and more effeicient.

One of the technology skills i would like to learn is html coding. Im my high school carrer i was exposed to html coding by various sources but i was never really taught the advance stuff of html coding. I had just been taught the basics, the reason why i want to learn this is because i feel that it would be a vauled skill in the future especially dealing with websites. The courses i took in iths are multimedia, webdesign, digital world and tech and society. These courses benefited me because it exposed me to new technology that i was not previously exposed to.

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